Returns Policy
A refund or exchange may be made if the product has a major problem in which:
- The product has a problem that would have stopped someone from buying the item if they had known about it
- Is unsafe
- Is significantly different from the sample or description; or
- Does not do what we said it would, or what you asked for and cannot be easily fixed
Change of Mind does not offer any refunds for “change of mind” purchases.
An exchange may be made (excluding shipping costs), provided ALL the following conditions are met:
- The customer must have a proof of purchase
- Product must be in its original packaging with product tags on, unused and in its original condition
- The customer must notify within 30 days from receiving the original order
- Exchange value must be equal or greater than the original product to be exchanged
Once has received the notification from the customer and decides to proceed with the exchange, we will advise the customer with options for the return.
The customer will have to bear all shipping costs for the exchange. The customer holds the responsibility of the returned goods until receives the product.